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How to choose your first Handpan?

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L'purchase of a handpan, cet percussion instrument captivating, involves considerable reflection, particularly due to the variety of handpan price, oscillating between €700 and €3,500. The sound quality, an essential criterion, differs significantly from a handpan from one origin to another, making the choice even more delicate.

To navigate this rich musical universe, discover our expert advice for selecting your first hang drum, whether it is a new handpan or of a used handpan, thus ensuring a wise investment in your musical journey and bien-être.

Also to read: Comment entretenir son Handpan ?


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1. Which scale to choose for your handpan?

a. What is the range?

The most important element in the handpan is the soundThis varies according to different criteria such as the range in which the instrument is tuned.

handpan musique, hang drum, instrument de musique

Musical definition of a scale: set of different notes that follow each other. Here is what it looks like on a music sheet with the scale ré mineur :

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Each range has a different sound and provides a emotion who is unique to her. It also depends on how it is played. There are, for example, joyful ranges, melancholic, relaxing or oriental. Chacun interpreter in its own way, the emotions provided by a range.


b. The different ranges

The major scale

The minor scale

Our recommended choice

The oriental ranges

  • Happiness and positivity
  • Joyful melodies
  • Limiting range
  • Deep and mystical emotions
  • Intense atmosphere
  • Large emotional palette
  • Exotic sounds
  • Zen atmosphere
  • Repetitive over time


c. The favorite scale of beginners: ré mineur

In 90% of cases, a beginner choose a handpan tuned in ré mineurThis is the most chosen and appreciated range because it is easy to playYou can create beautiful and harmonious melodies with it. Here is an example:


It offers a side hypnotic and relaxingThis is the range we recommend the most for beginners. 

Note : In the category "Custom Handpan On our site, you can listen to the different ranges.


2. Which frequency to choose? 432Hz or 440Hz?

The sound of the handpan is different depending on the frequency on which the instrument is tuned. Even if it is the same scale. The lower the frequency, the deeper the sound.

Musical definition of frequency: number of vibrations per second expressed in hertz. 

Frequency 432hz

handpan frequence 432 hz

Frequency 440Hz

handpan frequence 440 hz

If you are looking to relax and you are a fan of relaxation/yoga. To play with other instruments, in a group, or to create compositions. 
The frequency 432Hz is a symbol of life. It represents balance and is found in nature. Indeed, it is the same as the resonance of water. Some people say it has mystical properties. The fans of meditation They appreciate it immensely.



Important : It is not possible to play a handpan tuned to 432hz with any other instrument tuned to 440hz. It would sound off.

Are you hesitating between 432Hz and 440Hz? Visit our selection to listen to the difference and choose the handpan that resonates with your soul.

3. The choice of sustain for your handpan

handpan d'origine, handpan 432 hertz pour la relaxation

a. What is sustain?

This is about the duration of rating retention by an instrument after having played it. It is also called resonance. To illustrate this: when hitting a wall, there will be almost no resonance. When hitting a bell, the resonance will be very long: 

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It's the same with the handpan. Some have a short sustain, others a medium, and others a long. This is not a quality criterion but a matter of tasteGenerally, a short sustain is more sought after by experienced players or percussionists.

b. What sustain for a beginner?

One beginner arrive more easily to play with a sustain medium to longThe duration of the notes allows them to "stay alive" while continuing to create the rest of the melody.

What this means is that the game is easierA medium-long sustain is more suitable for the relaxation and to meditation. It multiplies the effect hypnotizing et apaisant.

By choice, all ZenaPan handpans have a medium to long sustain.

4. Check the sound quality of the handpan

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a. Theéquilibre des notes

Avant d’buy a handpan, it is important to ensure that each note is balanced in the same wayThat is to say that each one has the same sustain, le même stamp and the same qualityWithout this, the music will be unbalanced and unpleasant to the ear.

With ZenaPan you don't have to pay attention to that because each note of each handpan is checked 2 times After manufacturing, and just before shipping. The task is made easier for you.


b. Crosstalk (or diaphony in French)

This is about interferences between the notes. When playing note 1, we do not want a sound from note 2 to come out. It is necessary that the separation zone is well constructed. A poor quality handpan can produce unwanted interference and alter the sound quality.

However, there are handpans with sympathetic interference. This can make a harmonious effect between certain notes. Nevertheless, it is rather reserved for experienced players.

qualite son handpan, diaphonie, crosstalk, interferences handpan

You must therefore order from a trusted manufacturer who takes care to perfectly isolate each note. Choose a artisan with several years of experience, like those from ZenaPan.

handpan accessoires offerts

5. The manufacturing material

a. Nitrided steel vs stainless steel

The 2 most used materials to make a handpan are thenitrided steel et l’stainless steel.

 Nitrided steel

Stainless steel

  • Sensitive to the rust and to the corrosion.
  • Higher sound volume
  • Request one regular maintenance
  • Very durable to rust as well as to scratches (adapté aux wet places).
  • The maintenance is more easy.
  • Lasts longer.


choisir handpan materiau, acier nitrure ou stainless steel handpan


b. Which steel for a beginner?

We advise beginners to choose a handpan in acier inoxydable because in our opinion, it is what suits best.

You will have a much more durable instrument et easy to maintain. Not to mention that the amplitude and sustain provide a very pleasant play.

acier inoxydable handpan, coque handpan


6. How many notes to choose?

It is important not to choose a handpan with a number of ratings too high. From 11, it becomes more difficult to to handle For a beginner. Below 9 you will be frustrated by not having more musical possibilities. 

a. A handpan with 10 or 9 notes for a beginner

For a beginner, the best is to choose a handpan with 10 or 9 notes. Some think that 10 notes is too much. The game will remain easy. Moreover, you will have larger possibilities for advancement. If you have the budget, go for a 10-note. Otherwise, opt for a 9-note.

acheter un handpan, handpan 9 notes, handpan 10 notes
A savoir : with ZenaPan you can pay in 6 installments.


b. Long-term alternative: the 17-note handpan

Our handpan 17 notes is a good investment because it has 2 faces. L’une possède 9 notes, and theautre 8. Each side has its own soundYou can choose the face that best matches your mood.


The advantage is thatin progress you will be able to start to play with both sides at the same time. The price is higher but it allows you not to buy a second handpan by gaining level (long-term savings).

Video Responsive

7. The color of the handpan: a matter of taste

The last criterion for choose your handpan is aesthetic question. This is a very subjective point that requires some reflection on your part. Just choose the color that attracts you the most.

You have the choice between dark colors as black and bronze, or others that reflect more the colors of life like gold, green, and blue.

Important : The choice of color also depends on the type of steel chosen. It is not possible to associate all colors with the 2 different types of steel (nitrided and stainless).

guide achat handpah, choisir premier handpan

To help you

Imagine what color would go best with the decorative style what you have at home: the walls, the objects, and the colors for example.

handpan bronze inoxydable, guide achat handpan couleur

A savoir : At ZenaPan, the color does not impact the sound of the handpan.

8. Order your first handpan

a. Buy a handpan at ZenaPan

You have all the cards in hand to order the right handpanJust apply our advice and to take action. Your future favorite instrument vous attend.

When ordering from ZenaPan, you can be sure to receive an instrument ofexcellent quality. This saves you from contacting multiple craftsmen. You don't have to check the sustain, that there is no interference between the notes, and that they are well balanced.

Moreover, you receive your handpan quickly in 7 daysGaining time by avoiding waiting lines of 4-5 months like with some manufacturers. 

b. Gift: €30 discount with the code GUIDE30

It's up to you to play beautiful music. Order your own handpan with this coupon who is offered to you. Use this discount code of €30: GUIDE30

Explore our unique collection of handpan and find the perfect range to start your musical journey. Discover your ideal sound now. Choose my handpan maintenant !

9. Summary of the essential criteria for selecting your first Handpan

Characteristic Description
Type of handpan Beginner, expert, well-being, composition.
Range of the handpan Choose according to the notes that resonate with you.
Material Nitride steel for a rich sound, stainless steel for durability.
Price Varies from €700 to €3,500, influenced by quality and craftsmanship.
Used or New Used handpan can be a more affordable option.
Specific tone 432 Hz for relaxation, 440 Hz for musical composition.



Choose your first handpan is an exciting musical adventure, marked by thoughtful decisions regarding the type, the gamme, and much more. Taking into account aspects such as the budget, the material and the specific tone, you ensure an enriching experience. Embrace this quest with curiosity and passion, and you will discover a universe of well-being and creativity at your fingertips. The musical journey begins now.

commander handpan

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What justifies the price of a handpan?

Handpans require meticulous artisanal craftsmanship, precise acoustics, and quality materials. The manual manufacturing process and the expertise of the maker largely contribute to their high price.

2. Can one learn to play the handpan alone?

Absolutely. The handpan is accessible to beginners thanks to its intuitive interface. With regular practice, online tutorials, and a musical ear, one can quickly create captivating melodies.

3. How to maintain your handpan to prolong its lifespan?

Protect it from moisture and extreme temperatures. Clean it regularly with a dry cloth and apply a specific protective oil to prevent rust.

4. Which scale to choose for my first handpan?

Opt for a standard major or minor scale, such as the Do Majeur. These scales offer a variety of sounds suitable for beginners and allow for extensive musical exploration.

5. New or used Handpan: what do you recommend?

A second-hand handpan can be an excellent choice for beginners, provided you check its condition and origin. This can be a more affordable way to discover this unique instrument.

1 comment

  • Rivière

    Bonjour je suis intéressé par un handpan vous pouvez faire la livraison a l’ île de la réunion . cordialement

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